Although it’s early days for me using the new Champion’s method Robin & Krill I’m mighty impressed with its fish pulling powers as within minutes of feeding some down the margins of my local commercial I find carp with their tails out of the water!
Developed for big fish on the method feeder I’ve been having great success mixing, as shown on the packet, before simply placing into a pole cup and feeding down the edge. The venue I fish is shallow so there’s no need creating a ball as the fine particles make an irresistible cloud, slowly descending to the lake bed and attracting carp immediately.
Created for use with method feeders but try cupping it in.
Perfect for targeting big carp down the edge.
Just one of a brilliant range of groundbaits.
Add 600ml of water to a bag for perfect results.
Click for more details in Browning Catalogue 2020
The highlight of this groundbait has to be the addition of one of the best fish attractors ever made, Robin Red, a fish magnet! The bag shows the correct water content to mix to the perfect consistency, one that will form the perfect parcel on a method feeder or as I like, a cloud or fishy, spicy attractors that will have fish heading into your swim from all directions.
This is just one in the Champion’s Method range, available in 1 kg bags that will definitely catch you more fish. Give it a go, you won’t be disappointed.
Alec Roberts
"Developed for big fish!"
The highlight of this groundbait has to be the addition of one of the best fish attractors ever made, Robin Red, a fish magnet! The bag shows the correct water content to mix to the perfect consistency, one that will form the perfect parcel on a method feeder or as I like, a cloud or fishy, spicy attractors that will have fish heading into your swim from all directions.
This is just one in the Champion’s Method range, available in 1 kg bags that will definitely catch you more fish. Give it a go, you won’t be disappointed.
Alec Roberts