Have you ever experienced those frustrating sessions when you lose too many fish and wonder what’s going on. Dace fishing can be extremely frustrating, just hitting the bites can be difficult let alone having them fall of soon after. This is almost certainly down to the hook as some patterns just don’t suit their bony mouths and constant twisting in the water.
One hook that does suit speed fishing for silvers, especially roach and dace, is the Sphere Feeder Ultra Lite range, not just an exceptional feeder hook but a great maggot pattern when float fishing. These hooks are razor sharp, very light creating the perfect presentation and once in, they stay in!
Available on pre-tied continuous spools containing eight micro-barbed hook lengths in sizes ranging between 8 and 18, these spade end hooks are ideal for silvers and although light are strong enough to land any bonus fish hooked. They are also available in the same sizes loose in packets containing fifteen hooks.
Colin Sheppard
A razor sharp hook and a great pattern for float or feeder.
I lose very few fish with this hook pattern.
The ideal hook for river silverfish.