Edges in angling are everything, creating confidence in the mind and placing more fish in your net.
Using Fluorocarbon hook lengths will give you a massive edge, especially when fishing clear venues for sight feeders, yet finding one that knots up well and is supple enough, especially in the finer diameters, not to lose any bait presentation can be tricky. Well not any more as Cenex Fluoro Carbon Hook Line provides all these and so much more, so if your waggler fishing for roach, trotting a chalk stream or on a canal in the depth of winter then you need to check this range out.
It’s also brilliant as a leader or hook length when feeder fishing in clear water conditions.
Available in the following diameters on 50m spools –
0.11mm 1.25kg/2.70lb
0.13mm 1.60kg/3.50lb
0.15mm 2.10kg/4.60lb
0.17mm 2.95kg/6.50lb
Justin Watkins
Cenex Fluoro Carbon Hook Line, create that edge!
Fantastic when trotting clear streams for sight feeders.